Posts tagged how to
Beginner’s Tarot: How to Learn to Read Tarot, from the Very Beginning (Part 2)

Welcome back! 

In the first part of this introduction to learning tarot, we talked about the basics of getting started with this spiritual art: preparing your intentions of why and how you want to learn, choosing a deck that aligns with your needs, and starting to learn how a tarot deck is structured, something which helps us understand the individual cards as a set.  Now, we’re going to take it further, to bring all of the pieces together and craft a complete, intuitive reading.  After reading this article, you will have started building the skills you’ll need to do your own readings and share them with others (if you choose to!) – ideally, this article will be a resource that you return to as you move through your journey, finding guidance or inspiration as you need it ..

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Beginner’s Tarot: How to Learn to Read Tarot, from the Very Beginning (Part 1)

When I first realised I was curious about tarot, I felt terrified.  Sitting on my bed upstairs by myself, with a deck of demon-themed cards in my hands, I knew that there was something wrong about what I was doing; at least, that’s what my traditional Christian upbringing had left echoing in my mind.  The cards felt entirely foreign to me, not only seeming to vibrate with some vaguely evil energy, but also with some underlying complexity tying them all together.  It seemed far beyond me.  I imagined only someone with some sharp psychic ability would be able to make anything of these pieces of magickal cardboard, and – even if I could – I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be that kind of person.


At the time, I had no idea how tarot would come to be a central part of my process of self-knowing and healing ..

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Color Therapy for Day-to-Day Healing + Wellness in your Life (HEALING 101)

What’s your favorite color? – if you had asked me this question as a kid, I probably would have said passionately and certainly “blue!”, without a moment’s thought.  Now, this common, seemingly simple question is something I can’t quite answer anymore.  Over the past few years, as I’ve learned more and more about the colors I see in the world around me, I’ve come to realise that I love nearly every one of them, that each is special to me for a different reason.


What I used to see as “purple”, I am now seeing as lavender, as a guide towards a calm and quiet place in my spirit ..

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