Posts in Astrology 101
Chiron, Wounded Healer: Reaching Beyond and Through Our Pain

There are things which appear briefly in life and then disappear, flickering away, barely felt. And then there are those things which return to us throughout time, again and again, things we carry and which are felt so heavily that the rest of our experiences come to be suspended within their gravity.

Of the many celestial bodies in the sky, Chiron has been one to continually appear to me, asking for – sometimes demanding – space to be heard and felt and healed ..

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Mercury in Retrograde: What It Is and Isn't (and Could Be)

Put away the technology!  Don’t write any letters, sign any documents, or expect to keep any appointments!  Thinking of making a commitment? – think again!  Slow down, slow down, slow down!


This panicked alert is what Mercury in retrograde has come to mean for most people.  A symbol dictating when to act and when not to act.  We begin to notice all the little slips in communication, the mixed messages, and all the ways that technologies somehow begin to fall apart through this period.


But could all this focus on communicative breakdown – and the fear and anxiety that comes along with that – actually be a mixed message, itself? ..

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Multiplicities: Why You Actually Have More than One Zodiac Sign (ASTROLOGY 101)

What’s your sign?


This is a question we ask people when trying to get to know each other, whether it’s at a party or with a classmate or through a dating app.  We use it when looking through online profiles to see if “they might be the one” and are thrilled when we find out someone we like “has the same sign” – even if we approach it playfully, with the idea that it is just a fun thought experiment, there’s an immediate connection that we recognise in the potentials this question holds ..

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