

Quiet, Quiet

short story submissions are now closed, but we are quickly preparing for the second collection - people of marginalised experience strongly encouraged to submit!

Read the PDF HERE for full details (not yet updated for collection II)

Hues within

set NOW AVAILABLE in the shop (main eBook, color oracle, and 90-day intentional practice journal) - learn how to use our 36 hand-crafted colors for deep, transformative healing in your own life!

Seeking Freelancers

for commission-based positions (online), available to anyone passionate about what we do through intuit.hue - visit CONNECT for details on how to join our team!





  • Next online TAROT WORKSHOP SERIES begins once spots are filled, appropriate for beginners - book your spot now! ($60 for full workshop series)

weekly schedule:

new content every week!



mondays - community

Get to know folks creating radical healing at the margins and engage with your own healing; with affirmations and reflective prompts posted to our social media every Monday and with a new guest post one Monday each month, read or listen in to find out what this community is doing to shape a gentler, more feeling, liberated world.  Community works will either be featured on the blog or via the healing.words podcast: soundcloud.com/healing-words

Want to be featured, yourself?  Write with any idea you'd like to share here: amani@intuithue.com ; tell us your story, what you craft and why it's special.


tuesdays - youtube / VIDEOS

Join us live on our YouTube channel every 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month (@ 7 PM EST/EDT) to chat about the week's tarot + astrological insights, as well as any special topics of interest coming up that week; bring your questions and curiosities and let others know where to find the conversation!  (You can also get a free one-card reading during this time, if you don't mind sharing your question live on the stream - those who have joined on Patreon get question priority!)

On the 2nd and last Tuesday each month, we’ll release a recorded video. The latest in that astrology you've been hearing about.  Guidance on how to deepen your relationships with those you love.  Painting tutorials, personal vlogs, book reviews, discussions on radical veganism and black + brown liberation - anything we're finding healing and think you might, too. // This is a Patreon goal and will be consistent once we reach $150 in pledges!

[We also need people to caption our videos; for folks of marginalised experience, this can be in exchange for intuit.hue services]


wednesdays - rest & healing

On Wednesdays, we ask that you rest, in whatever way makes deep sense to your spirit.  Rest is a way of being that you can carry with you throughout everything you do, and today (really, every day), we invite you to reclaim your right to rest as a radical response to a world that demands we be constantly creating, producing, and responding to outward demands.  This is a request for you to read from the space that first taught me about rest as a radical mode of existing - restforresistance.com/zine/the-privilege-of-getting-to-rest-lets-shift-the-balance.  To all those resting and resisting in tired, brown, differently-abled, femme, and queering bodies, may you find a rest that remains with you.

[another tool for resting: Self-Care Kit]


thursdays - specials

If you've been thinking about booking a reading or diving into one of our books, Thursday would be the day to do it - every Thursday, get 10% off anything in the shop.  Yes, anything / this even combines with the discount you can get from becoming a patron through our Patreon (just email amani@intuithue.com and we’ll sort it out!  And it doesn't matter how many times you've used it before; we want you to get the healing you deserve.  Just use the code ITSTHURSDAY at checkout to apply this discount, and be sure to tell others to do the same.


fridays - PODCAST

(This will begin once we reach $200 in pledges on Patreon; join to help us make content consistently!)

We've got so much we want to share with you, so one Friday each month, we’ll release a podcast to do with art, healing, and spirituality. Peep soundcloud.com/healing-words for our latest podcast content and let us know what ideas you have for new topics to explore!


saturdays - BLOG & WORKSHOP

Saturdays are blog days (meaning a new article each week!), because we know that sometimes it's just nicer to sit with something and read for a while.  We'll be touching on the same topics we know and love, as well as exploring some things that push and challenge us.  We invite you to come these writings with a willingness to feel, think, and know a more vulnerable, uncomfortable, honest part of yourself.  As always, you can find all our written content on our blog.  Comment and tell us what comes up for you!

If you’ve joined our Patreon community at the hangout/workshop level, then you’ll also be able to come and chat and learn new skills with us! Most of our other workshops will also take place on Saturdays. Something you’ve been curious to learn or practice? Come and let’s learn together!


sundays - insights & newsletter

As you're preparing to move into a new week, we’ll share about what's coming up energetically: opportunities, challenges, things to be looking out for - you can expect a newsletter (free) and insights post (paid subscription) to be released every two weeks, once for the early part of the month and then again halfway through, covering the rest of the month. 

Everyone can access a free preview of the half-month’s insights, but only those who have joined on Patreon will receive access to the complete astrological and other insights for the month. (We are also setting up a subscription service directly here on the intuit.hue website - it’s in the works!)


This month's shop feature:

Chakra Balancing & Energy Healing Session

Using color therapy, meditation, and a number of trauma reworking techniques, we will explore the energies currently flowing in your chakra system, then realign them to support your well-being.


looking for weekly insights ?

If you're looking to stay updated on the energies available to you each week, we offer both free insights + a special subscription to get deeper insights.

Click the link below to explore the tarot, astrology, and healing in your life each month - you never know what insight awaits!