Weekly Astroscopes – Clarifying Intention – Insights for Early August, 2018
weekly astroscopes
clarifying intention - insights for early august, 2018
how this reading flows:
(if you know this already, skip ahead!)
These astroscopes are for the first half of August, and they explore what resources, opportunities, and challenges to be mindful of in the early part of this month. I use the intuit oracle – a deck I designed around astrological concepts, symbolism, and minimalist art – for this reading; these astroscopes are not directly based upon the current position of any planetary bodies, nor any other traditional horoscope technique.
In this reading, we pull three initial cards for everyone, then one card for each of the signs to help further personalise the reading to your needs.
The three initial cards apply to everyone equally and are drawn to talk about the first week of the month, the second week of the month, and the central message for early August.
You can then scroll down and read about the card for any astrological signs you identify with, even ones not centered in your birth chart; what’s more important than what you’re born into is what signs you resonate with and which energies you seek in your life. If you’d like to know more about what multiple signs are currently in your persona, book an astrological (ARQ) consultation and we can look at what signs you are most carrying right now, as well as ones you may grow into for your healing.
initial cards
week one
Ceres in Virgo, wheat – this card symbolises the importance of following through with our intentions and remaining focused in our values. During the first week of this month, we are invited to think about how our choices align with what we’re hoping to grow long-term. How are you feeling challenged to remain determined and committed to what you know, and in what ways might you be compromising? Wheat serves as a symbol inviting us back to simplicity and not allowing the complexity of the moment to confuse what we know is right, what is deserved, or what is owed.
week two
whole yin, the new Moon – this phase of the Moon is a time of promise, and truly a reminder to get our intentions in order. The new moon is a symbol of plenty, of rich soil ready to offer fertility and fruit to our desires; goddess energy watches closely over our abundance. However, what the new moon promises is whatever potential we put into our intentions, so you will receive plenty of whatever you’re putting in right now – even if that’s pain or disappointment or confusion. It is multiplied. What are you doing with your intentions, honoring them, leaving them behind – are they unfamiliar to you? Do your work to get intentions clarified now so that they grow as desired. In the second week of this month, take the time to revisit what you’re really hoping to see in your life and make sure that it’s what you really want.
central message
Pluto in Pisces, dust – the message for these weeks is to know how to discern between what is temporary and what remains. Dust symbolises an awareness of how things are over time; is what you’re witnessing in your life right now something that will last? Cast in the shadow of the new Moon, this card informs us that we may not be seeing the whole truth of the situation right now, so we are working with partial information unless we investigate further. As you move through the first half of this month, stay determined to trust in what you’ve always known in yourself and do not allow yourself to be misled by outer influences. There are many potentials, and you are aware of them as Pluto allows those depths to be felt and seen, but you are not quite there yet; right now, your work is to remain focused on discerning truth and honoring your intentions over time.
heart – feeling down or disappointed for long isn’t very like you, Aries. This card comes up asking you to be gentle with yourself; you’re going through something which isn’t like the usual, so don’t expect yourself to be feeling like the usual. Perhaps you are on the receiving end of agreements and promises not being honored. Take time to feel through where you are and use this as an opportunity to help you realign in your intention. You are becoming aware of the pains that follow when promises are broken, so remain focused and committed in your own.
silver – maybe things are looking especially great and easy for you right now. Whether this is for you or you feel like someone else is living it up, this is a reminder not to be distracted by shiny things. What is flashy is usually flashy for a reason; if something is drawing your attention to a specific place or situation, it’s probably taking your attention away from something else. You will be served by remembering that there is more going on than what you see in that moment, and especially remembering that no one has anything you can’t also have.
mask – this couldn’t be a much clearer symbol of things not being as they appear to be. Perhaps you feel that things are starting to come clear for you; keep asking questions. Also be mindful of the fact that you can play many roles at once. How much are you playing the deceiver while also playing the deceived right now? This card suggests you are more involved in recent happenings than you are willing to admit. What is true will always come out in the end, so be sure to get your part of the story straight.
seeking yin, passing Moon – this whole reading seems especially centered on your essence and your experiences right now, Cancer. This early month is mostly defined by your archetypal energy, one of care, intuition, intense feeling, and softness (well, at least when you’re feeling safe and cared for). If you’re feeling confused or a little disoriented or behind right now, know that you’ve actually got things more figured out than most. This card is the one that comes before the new Moon, symbolising that you are still in a phase of making sure things are tidied up before moving on; that is precisely the energy to carry forward. Trust yourself. You know what you’re doing.
cloth – accountability, that’s the first word to come to mind. What are you not admitting about the choices you’re making? It might also be the people you’re keeping around you right now, but either way, the question comes back to you and what you’re doing. The cloth symbolises a desire for anonymity, of not having your steps traced back to you. This doesn’t mean you have mean or dishonest intent, but it does mean that your choices have consequences, even if you aren’t the one who has to sort it out. It doesn’t serve you to keep things hidden.
whole yin, new Moon (inverse) – this card is very you, Virgo, trying to sort out non-logical things through some sort of logic. Undoubtedly, this is one of the things you do best, applying your rational and analytical skills to something until it is sorted, until you’ve got the answer. However, you may be seeing that that isn’t quite working out right now. That’s because this moment is calling for you to feel more, and you won’t be able to pretend to feel or just try it out until your usual way works – right now, letting go of an attachment to things making sense in the way they always have will help you find what you’re looking for.
sword – Libra, this is your card, with Mercury showing up in Libra. However, here, it shows up inverse, meaning that its energy is flowing in a very unnatural way (not a bad thing, just a different thing – though sometimes they may feel the same to you). What the sword means here is that you may have made a few errors in judgment; you’ll be able to know just by feeling, by what cuts more deeply. You have many opportunities to heal and adjust and shift things in this moment; what you’re seeking is not lost, just misplaced. Go back and reevaluate recent decisions.
hand – this card speaks to me of potentials, and especially at this time. You have so many options in front of you. Your work right now really seems to be just evaluating what to work with first. Your sharp skills of discernment can be trusted, as you will inherently know what questions to ask. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or confused, it may be primarily that you aren’t used to having so many legitimate options in front of you. You may find it hard to trust, and you don’t need to. Choose the options that make sense to you and follow through.
river – to me, this looks like a moment of deep confusion for you, Sagittarius. If you are feeling that confusion, know that getting things sorted literally just means tracing your steps backward. And if you are feeling like things are all in order, definitely check again; you may have gotten swept off somewhere that really isn’t serving you in the long-term. This very much looks situational, not as much a problem in your process, so just go back to figure out what was missed. You don’t have all the pieces at this exact moment, but they’re easily found.
stone – you, out of everyone, seem to have the clearest idea of what it means to remain focused and committed to your intentions. That is something to be praised. However, with the central message for this part of the month being to reflect on how truth changes or remains over time, I would ask: how might this determination be limiting you in other moments? From what I’m receiving, it feels like you are gaining from being so focused right now, but that in the wider picture, you’re actually missing out on quite a bit more by that same focus. Ask yourself how you can practice more flexibility and understanding beyond these weeks, and see what follows.
branch – what I’m getting first is that you’re being really tough on yourself. That is not unusual for you, Aquarius, but there is something especially severe about how you’re interacting with yourself right now. Definitely stop if you’re punishing yourself for something. People you consider family may be very much involved, as well, contributing to patterns of internalised hurt or abuse. First of all, in these weeks, use very gentle language with yourself; seek affirmations of your worth and deserving to take up space, and be an ally to yourself. As some heavy truths are coming clear, you definitely need to be able to count on yourself to be a source of care and affection and warmth.
returning yang, reaching Moon – this is a symbol of the Moon just leaving its yang alignment and returning to yin. This is almost exactly opposite of where everyone else is, and it seems like you are frustrated with being there; in general, this card feels like you are trying not to be where you are. This may feel like an especially lonely place. I invite you, Pisces, to consider this differently; you are seeing truths that others are not yet aware of. Yet again, you have unique insights into where others will be going – however, your unwillingness to be where you are is not very much honoring this gift. You are not alone, and you will not always be alone. Allow yourself to settle in and find ease where you are; others will arrive there soon, so enjoy the quiet.
Whatever your signs, remember that the work for these weeks is to clarify intention, and to honor it - to know what we're saying, and follow through on what we tell ourselves and others. Remain focused in your intention and you will not be led astray. All that you are seeking is near.
With love and light,
P.S. Remember to join us for our weekly chat on Tuesday @ 7PM (EDT), on our YouTube channel – we'll be discussing these insights, as well as talking about a weekly topic in art, healing, and spirituality!
Amani Michael
intuit.hue founder + guide