Posts tagged weekly
Introducing the Intuit Oracle: A Minimalist Symbol + Astrology Oracle

Almost five years ago, in the midst of learning my way through tarot and other card-reading arts, I felt called to start crafting something entirely my own.

Little did I know what it would become.

It started with the symbols.For some reason, I just sat down one day and began writing out the names of common objects which I resonated with.The bell.The branch.The cocoon.I paired each symbol with a decan in the astrology I had studied for years.I asked what Mercury in Gemini might feel like, look like, if its spirit were transmuted into something mundane.A heavenly body taking shape in the earthly objects I interacted with each day …

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Weekly Astroscopes – Clarifying Intention – Insights for Early August, 2018

The message for these weeks is to know how to discern between what is temporary and what remains.  Dust symbolises an awareness of how things are over time; is what you’re witnessing in your life right now something that will last?  Cast in the shadow of the new Moon, this card informs us that we may not be seeing the whole truth of the situation right now, so we are working with partial information unless we investigate further.  As you move through the first half of this month, stay determined to trust in what you’ve always known in yourself and do not allow yourself to be misled by outer influences.  There are many potentials, and you are aware of them as Pluto allows those depths to be felt and seen ..

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